A look back at the final event – Canada
Did you miss the S-ACCESS Round-Table
“Tendering Railway Solutions outside the EU”?
It discussed also how best to access Norway tenders
and do business in the country!

00:00-36:00 min | S-ACCESS project key lessons learnt on USA, Canada and Norway
36:01-2:27:00 min | Round-Table with experts
from the EU (EISMEA and EEN), USA (EACC-Florida, Miami-Dade TPO), Canada (ADEXIA), Norway (mulcahy:consulting), SME Testimonial expert on USA and Canada (Blend Plants-Italy)

“I absolutely think SMEs can access the Norwegian market from their headquarters. But they need to spend time to study the market in advance. Also, you have to be visible. You have to go to the BaneNOR Tender Conference, taking place each year, meet the procurement team, have some minutes talk about what your innovations are. Gain reputation there.”
“Setting a business in Norway is quite straightforward. They are very bureaucratic and slow to take decisions, but they are very transparent.”
“By all means, I would recommend it. It is a small market and wealthy market. Of course you have to invest.”