A look back at the final event – Canada
Did you miss the S-ACCESS Round-Table
“Tendering Railway Solutions outside the EU”?
It discussed thoroughly how best to access USA tenders
and do great business in the country!

00:00-36:00 min | S-ACCESS project key lessons learnt on USA, Canada and Norway
36:01-2:27:00 min | Round-Table with experts
from the EU (EISMEA and EEN), USA (EACC-Florida, Miami-Dade TPO), Canada (ADEXIA), Norway (mulcahy:consulting), SME Testimonial expert on USA and Canada (Blend Plants-Italy)

Christina Sleszynska, Executive Director
EACC Florida – European American Chamber of Commerce, USA
“SMEs need to develop a proper strategy. Very careful planning. The US market is not like the European market. 50 States and different rules: taxation rules are not the same; privacy rules are not the same.”
“Legal and tax compliance is very important. You really need to prepare for that.”
From Europe “East Coast is easier to manage relationships with your Headquarter in Europe. Also direct flight connections make it easier to manage the relationships. Companies estabilishing in the Sylicon Valley have to manage 9/10 hours of different time zones.”
“Once you are established here, it is very important to connect with the business community.”
Discover much much more on Christina’s tips for European companies, watching the video above!
“We are the largest County and the largest MPO in the State of Florida, which is the 3rd most populated State in the US.”
“We manage the entire network in terms of prioritazion of projects and allocation of funds.”
“Right now our top priority and trend in transportation in Miami-Dade County is to expand mobility options for the residents and visitors with all means.”

Aileen Bouclé, Executive Director
Miami-Dade TPO-Transport Planning Organization, USA

“In 2019 we participated in a Washington Metro tender and we got awarded. At that time we participated with the European company. For the next steps, for us it was compulsory to have the employees registered in US. Three weeks ago we sold to the US Army as well. In such a case we need to use employees that are US citizens.”
“The most important thing is to act globally but you have to think locally. You have to think with their mentality. And respect themselves as well. There are 50 States and you have to consider it is like the different countries of Europe. Tennessee is different from Iowa. Have a dealer that supports you in every State.”