Press release #11
« Pitch Your Company » Event for US market.
Pitch your company Canada
The event is part of the GO INTERNATIONAL IN CANADA PATH offered by the EU-funded « S-ACCESS » project, supporting European SMEs to participate in Public Tenders outside EU.
Press release #20
A look back at the Norway mission
Norway -Back to the mission in pictures
A look back at the Norway mission
Press release #10
Replay of the presentation in Canada and the rail sector
Press release #9
Replay of the presentation in Canada and the rail sector
Press release #8
Training on Canada Railway Market
Press release #7
Replay of the presentation in US and the rail sector
Press release #6
Training on USA Railway Market
Press release #5
Replay of the presentation in Norway and the rail sector
Press release #4
Training on Railway Market in Norway
Discover the Norway market
Access the replay of our complete training on the Norway market!
Discover the United States market
Access the replay of our complete training on the United States market!
Discover the Canadian market
Access the replay of our complete training on the Canadian market!
Press release #3
Open Tender: Service providers for best and most applicable market driven business cases
In this context, we launch an open tender!
The objective of this open tender is, for each country, to purchase from professional consultancies
Survey: SMEs participation to International Public Procurements of Railway Supplies / Services / Works
The S-ACCESS project aims to develop tools to help SMEs of the Rail Supply Industry participate in Public Procurements in USA, Canada and Norway. This Survey will help us better understand: (a) your level of readiness both as individual SME and as European SMEs working in the Rail Supply Industry.
Press release #2
Press release #2 Discover our press release here ! Date : July 19th, 2021 Press Release 2
Press release #1
Press release #1 Discover our press release here ! Date : July 12th, 2021 Press Release 1
On the 12th of July 2021, the partners had a virtual meeting to launch the S-ACCESS project!
The meeting started with a presentation of the project: strategic and operational challenges behind, expectations, impact on the European railway industrial ecosystem and beyond.
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This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme (2014-2020). The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.